Thursday, December 8, 2016

The Experimental Experience

So what did I learn in this class?  Well, let me tell you how I felt about the course in the very beginning.  I initially thought that the course would be about an entirely different aspect of work that I would be challenged greatly to accomplish.  After taking the course, it made me understand how much of an influence experimental film has become through film history.  I do not know why it had just occurred to me when I can constantly see the style taking over in music video and psychological filmmaking with distorted images, and rapid cuts throughout shots, but the influence is most certainly there and I assumed that I was just overlooking that concept.  Another thing that is always a learning experience to me is time management.  This semester really pushed me towards it, with constant projects needed to be done within a short amount of time.  There was no excuse for the work needed to be done in the course and you really had to organize yourself, along with the others involved, to complete the assignments.  Being someone that had taken a break from school for two years, with no practice with the artistic media (unfortunately), I felt that this course helped me get a refresher on things and allowed me to explore more of my creative side.  Though I love to stick with post production, being able to work through the whole process was incredible to finally be doing again and I cannot wait for my next film project.  Overall, I have taken a lot from this class.  Creative influences, post production tricks, time management, and a great group of colleagues.  I was very thankful that I took this class and now with the new skills that I gained, I am ready to take on my next challenge.

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